Moving Forward

I really find it funny.
Well, not really.

It's only been a month since the New Year. It's been only a few weeks since promises and resolutions to be a better "me", and already many find themselves dragged back in to the cycle of who they were. Becoming more of their past than stepping into their future. 2012 hasn't even warmed up and already so many hearts are growing cold.

Or colder.

Maybe it just really is easier to slink back into who we were; let ourselves be buffeted through another year and pray to God (or who ever you pray to, assuming you do) shall just give us enough strength to see it to the next.

Perhaps it is. Defeat and resignation is always the easier way out.

But we were never made to live our lives facing the past.  We are called to look to tomorrow. To dream. To live, not just survive. We are called to believe. Believe that this year will be a year of us taking one step closer to what we are designed to be; what our destiny is.

My greatest fear is dying and facing God and realizing that what I've been doing for the entirety of my life wasn't what God wanted me to do in the first place. With that in mind, I find myself really checking my direction in life:

Have I gone off course? 
Am I stepping closer to what I was meant to do?


Sadly, I can't answer that for you. That's between you and God. But what I do know is that whatever it is we are to be, we aren't called to carry the weight of the past with us. Yesterday should remain that way. Yesterday.

I guess maybe that's why it's easier to revert to our old ways, embrace our old habits and take up our old ways of thinking.

We never really let go of them in the first place.

We say we do.
But we don't do what is needed to be done.

The past has a a bad knack for making us become comfortable within it's loving caress. It becomes too comfortable, any small amount of inconvenience is unconsciously viewed as not being worth the prolonged or sustained effort.  Why do I qualify that? We all think and act as if change is something that is good. It is. But when we are in the process of change, and we find that its taking longer than what we want, we tend to think that it may be a good idea on paper, but too hard to pull off in life. At least for this year.

Or the next.

I hope you do decide to move forward, to shed the past and step into pursuit of your destiny. It may not be easy. Heck, for some of us, it may seem impossible. Change is difficult. It can cause lots of uneasiness and stress. But hold on to the hope that the change you're making now is really for the better and choose to let go of the burdens of the past.

Tomorrow waits for no one, and the past can't do anything for anyone.