I looked forward to worship conferences and talks held by other churches so that I could learn new practices and techniques. I also read books on music theory and arranging in the school library so that I could upgrade my musical skill.
Today, all you need is a data connection and a device you can surf the net on. And that's basically your mobile phone, tablet or computer. But with thousands upon thousands of sites that present itself as a resource, how do you filter? How do you choose?
Personally, I only frequent a very few websites when I look for new songs or read up on best practices in praise and worship or ethno-doxology. Let me share with you my list of best worship resources online. And here they are in no particular order:
1. Worship Central. Worship Central is a movement that aims to equip worship leaders and teams and empower the local church in the areas of worship. They are based out of London in the UK and is led by Tim Hughes. They have also developed a training course for worship teams, that is available for free at their website.
2. We Are Worship is an international site that is dedicated to uniting the global worshipping community. It has lots of amazing resources as well. Songs, charts, videos and interviews are available.
3. All About Worship states that they are more than resource site, they are a movement. And much like the first two sites I mentioned, they are also in the ministry of equipping and empowering the local worship ministry.
4. Ron Man's Worship Notes is a monthly digest of ethno-doxologist Ron Man. I had the privilege of attending one of his lectures here in Manila a few years ago, and it was very interesting showing how worship relates to culture and society. I strongly encourage you to subscribe to this digest. Ron Man tackles issues today that most aren't aware of or won't touch.
5. Worship Links is a wonderful site that posts links to different worship sites. I check here often to explore new pages or read the interesting interviews that Brad posts also. The site also has very interesting articles ranging from the practical components of worship like tech and playing, to issues of the heart and spirit.
Again, these are my personal top 5 resource pages on the net. You may also notice that some of them mention the others in their own networks of resources. Some of them even share the same worship resources for free. And that is totally cool, because I believe that's one way that shows that we can build each other up despite our different worship traditions and orientations.
So click away and check out these amazing resources that are there to build up the body of Christ and to equip and empower those in the worship ministry.
In my next post, I'll be giving my top apps for the music director of a worship team. Thank you for reading the article. Please do share it to people whom you think may benefit from this article.
Stay blessed. Shalom,
**none of the images are mine. all are owned by their respective owners