What's in My App Music Tool Kit?

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In my previous post, I shared some of the online resources I frequent as a Worship Director. In this post, I'd like to share to you the top music apps I use. These are the apps I actually have in my tablet or smartphone, and I use them greatly, if not almost every Sunday (or during the week when I prepare). I consider these apps part of my Music Tool Kit Collection. Hahaha!

Here they are in no particular order:
1. Metronome - I use either Clockwork Metronome (iOS) or ProMetronome (Android) to help keep me in time. Both apps allow you to practice in odd time, create a set list and even practice to polyrhythms. I haven't been using Clockwork Metronome since I was forced to switch to Android, but I still have that installed on my iPad and use it a lot when I teach.

Image result for VSTs images free2. Audio Units/VSTs - I use  Amplitube on my iPad on the rare occasions that I do play electric guitar since I don't have a pedal board. I basically "build my rig" on Amplitube and connect it to my guitar and the mixing desk via an interface and a DI. If I am playing Keys, I use Garageband on my iPad for really good piano and synth sounds. I haven't come across any similar apps on Android that are stable and actually sound nice.

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3. Tuner - On Android, I fancy using PitchLab Pro. It's very accurate and has different modes for you to choose from. It responds very nicely works well with even just the phone's built in mic. As for iOS, I use the built in Tuner that Garageband has.

Image result for sheet music images free4. Sheet Music - when it come to reading your charts and sheet music, hands down I recommend OnSong on iOS. It has an intuitive UI, the color palette is soft on the eyes. It can accommodate click tracks. It can even project lyrics! Plus, the team behind this always releases updates and after sales support is really on point. I'm actually looking forward to them releasing an Android version so I can get the rest of my team on this amazing app!

So what's in your "tool kit"? I'd really love to know what you guys use!


**all images used are owned by their respective owners and have been sourced through google